Rethinking Notions of Aging and Retirement

“Some people call this the greatest gift of the 20th Century and the question is how are they going to use this great gift?”

88 year old Bill Zinke says it’s a gift that more and more people are living longer nowadays, but that gift presents opportunities and challenges. “One of the major challenges is recognizing that we’ve added 30 years to longevity in the 20th century and that they have a lot longer to live than they anticipated when they were growing up.” Zinke says he has never retired and he recognizes the benefits to the older person and to society at large, of continuing to work and staying engaged.

Zinke says we need to rethink our notion of aging and retirement, “how to remain productively engaged and continue to add value because that enables you to live longer and enjoy life more.”

Zinke is the founder of an organization that encourages people to remain active while they age.

Enrich Life Over 50 (ELO50) is a national grassroots movement with a mission to reverse ageism in America. Zinke will launch its Denver Chapter on September 16th at The University of Denver at an event that features presenters including Billy Kidd, 1964 Olympic Silver Medalist, and Denver Mayor Michael B. Hancock.

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Enrich Life Over 50 (ELO50)’s Denver Chapter will be launched on Wednesday September 16th from 9am to 4.30pm at The University of Denver Knoebel School of Hospitality Management, 2050 Evans Avenue Denver.

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