Enérgeia: bright unbearable realities
April 26, 27, 28
Friday and Saturday 8 pm, Sunday 2 pm
Dairy Arts Center (2590 Walnut St., Boulder)
Tickets: https://frequentflyers.org/energeia/?utm_source=kgnu&utm_medium=listing&utm_campaign=show&utm_content=energeia
Creation: Issac Endo
Performer Collaborators: Emily Clemson, Issac Endo, Laurel Johnson, Whitney Moore, Valerie Morris, Michelle Randolph, Nancy Smith, Anastasia Timina, James Tindle, Midnite Townsend
Frequent Flyers’ newest show, Enérgeia: bright and unbearable realities, will feature guest choreographer, Issac Endo (nee Koji Endo). They are a queer, Japanese-American, Boulder-native with an illustrious career in circus, performance art, and film.
Using projection onto alternative surfaces, invented aerial apparatus, pulleys, a moving plexiglass reflective dance floor, and small boxes that transform the set and the performers, Enérgeia will be unlike any other Frequent Flyers’ performance.
Issac Endo Artist statement for Enérgeia: I work to find the energy in the performers, the part of them that is so brilliant that I cannot look away, but to continue looking would blind me. I will elevate this on-stage so that an audience can see them the way I do.