The City of Boulder Transportation Department is hosting a meeting on Monday August 10th at 6pm and the issue of “rightsizing” some Boulder streets will be on the agenda. Rightsizing refers to reconfiguring the layout of streets. Folsom Street, a major north/south corridor in the city was recently rightsized as part of the Living Laboratory project.
Prior to the changes, Folsom street had 2 lanes of traffic in each direction. After rightsizing, the existing bike lanes in each direction were expanded with barriers added to increase safety. The number of car lanes was reduced to one lane in each direction.
The city has announced that it will delay rightsizing other roads in the Living lab project (Iris and 63rd) until it collects and analyzes the data from the Folsom street changes. Many drivers have complained that the changes have lead to congestion, particularly in evening commute times.
Kathleen Bracke with GO Boulder says that city planners want to get as much feedback from the public as possible. People can submit comments through the website: https://
People can also submit comments via email or telephone:
Marni Ratzel ,ratzelm@, 303-441- 4138 or David ‘DK’ Kemp [email protected] , 303-441-1955
Rightsizing Boulder Roads kgnu
The Transportation Advisory Board is meeting Monday, Aug. 10th at 6 p.m. at the Municipal Building (Council Chambers), 1777 Broadway, Boulder.