OutSources: Queer Bodies/Queer Texts: A Conversation with Aimee Herman

As our listeners may be aware, the slam and performance poetry scenes around the country and the world have rapidly expanded over the last two decades. Most major cities in the U.S. have a thriving poetry community, Denver included.

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    OutSources: Queer Bodies/Queer Texts: A Conversation with Aimee Herman kgnu


Local poet Andrea Gibson, for example, has won poetry competitions and championships and has developed a rather large following, having toured extensively across North America and Europe. Outside of Colorado, the New York poetry scene is probably the most vibrant, varied and diverse. Not surprisingly, Gotham has become a rich birthing ground for young poets.

With Angela in the studio to discuss all this and more is Aimee Herman. Aimee is a two-time nominated Pushcart Prize poet and performance artist based in Brooklyn, New York, who is “looking to disembowel the architecture of gender and what it means to queer the body.”

She is the author of two books of poetry: “To Go without Blinking” and “Meant To Wake Up Feeling.” Aimee is also an adjunct professor at Bronx Community College and a host of The Inspired Word open mic erotica series “Titillating Tongues.” In addition, she has been featured at Dixon Place’s Hot! Festival, The Fresh Fruit Festival, HOWL Fest and the Dumbo Arts Festival.

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