The World Is My Country

“When we come together as a group and make the sovereignty of the whole and then all these seemingly insurmountable problems suddenly become very solvable and we find a way to do it.”

Director Arthur Kanegis says that the message that Garry Davis brought to the world is a message that resonates today.  Davis was World Citizen #1 and founder of the World Service Authority in Washington DC, which continues to issue World Passports, ID’s and Marriage and Birth Certificates.

In May 1948, Davis, a former bomber pilot with the US Air force, entered the American embassy in Paris and renounced his American citizenship and declared himself a citizen of the world. Davis, who died in 2013, believed that if there were no nation states, there would be no wars.

Kanegis profiles Garry Davis, who started as Danny Kaye’s understudy on Broadway, in his new film The World is My Country.  Audiences at the Moondance film festival got to see a sneak preview of the film on Tuesday September 8th at 7pm at the Hotel Boulderado followed by a Q & A with Kanegis.


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