The Mask You Live In: Local Screening

“That mask is a poker face around not really wanting, needing to express emotion and rather representing a sort of a force of dominance and power and control.”

Anand Vadehra  with SPAN, (Safehouse Progressive Alliance For Nonviolence aka Boulder Safehouse) says SPAN is co-hosting a screening of The Mask You Live In because the themes explored in the film correspond with the organizations mission as a social justice group “SPANs mission is basically to end violence against all people and the mask you live in is really a reference to the mask that men are asked to wear.  That mask is a poker face around not really wanting, needing to express emotion and rather representing a sort of a force of dominance and power and control. So this looks to deconstruct the construct and SPAN is very much behind this.”

SPAN along with PEN (Parent Engagement Network) is sponsoring a screening of The Mask You Live In on January 14th at 6:30pm at Centaurus High School.

Mary Pierce with SPAN says the screening will be followed by a panel discussion with social and educational leaders in the community.  “We have the principal of Centaurus High School, the Athletic Director at Centaurus, a representative from the District Attorney’s office, we of course have our Executive Director at SPAN and Michael Vladek who works with PEN on a lot of these issues and Susan Caskey of Boulder County Impact.”


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