Tech Talks: Small Businesses and Technology

In this edition of Tech Talks, host Lena Weisman speaks with Loree Mulay Weisman, co-founder of Mulay’s Sausage. They talk about how one small business uses technology in their daily operations and how it has allowed them to improve their business.

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    Tech Talks: Small Businesses and Technology kgnu


How and when was Mulay’s Sausage founded?

Mulay’s Sausage started in 1990, when Loree Mulay Weisman and her husband Ward Weisman decided to make sausages to sell at the 4th of July festival in Crested Butte, CO to make a little extra money to support their ski bum lifestyle. Using a kitchen-aid they spent all day linking over 400 hundred sausages, which sold out in under 4 hours.

What makes your product special and attractive to customers?

Mulay’s Sausage is popular to customers because, “it tastes great!” Also Mulay’s Sausage is so appealing because the sausage is all natural, antibiotic free pork, humanely raised no nitrates. It is sugar, dairy, soy, and gluten free.  Also the traditional taste that takes one back to a time when food and life was simple.

How does technology impact Mulay’s business operations?

Since the mid 1990’s Mulay’s has been lucky to have access to computers and they decided to establish a website.  Mulay’s Sausage has purchased the url Thus allowing for the company to outreach to people all over the country and allowing them to grow. They use technology for marketing and to run day to day operations.

Does technology allow Mulay’s to operate in a different way than the average small business, if so how?

Technology has opened up many doors for small businesses and has allowed Mulay’s to travel the country while selling sausage. They conduct their business online using the phone and the internet to take and place orders via a remote location.

Do you think that technology positively or negatively impacted your business, and how?

Technology has positively impacted Mulay’s allowing them to advertise using social media including facebook, instagram, and other sites, thus allowing them to reach a wide range and targeted market in an inexpensive way..

Where can we find Mulay’s Sausage in the local area and more information about Mulay’s?

For more information visit and in Colorado you can find Mulays at Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage.

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