It’s been just over a year since the Indivisible movement rolled across America with chapters now in every state. While the movement was formed in reaction to the election of Donald Trump, many Indivisible chapters are looking ahead to the 2018 election and state and local elections.
Indivisible Front Range Resistance and Indivisible Denver are inviting people to come to the state capitol on Wednesday, February 28th, for a citizen lobbying day, to get a sense of how citizens can have their voices heard by state lawmakers. Kristen Seidel with Indivisible Denver says it’s an opportunity for regular Coloradans to learn how they can be engaged in local elections.
“The capitol is so accessible to us and those politicians are so accessible to us that we’re really looking to focus on being able to reach out to them and let them know we’re watching them, they kind of got a pass from us for the past year but we saw things happening and this isn’t ok and this isn’t Colorado’s values and we’re going to stand up to it. And when they try to not fund the Colorado Civil Rights Division and when you see bills like the one that (Representative) Neville (a Republican) introduced last week where they’re trying to allow conceal and carry in schools – these aren’t Colorado’s values. Indivisible is paying attention to that and we’re going to show up and we will fight on the Colorado level. ”
Resistance Radio: Citizen Lobbying Day KGNU News
The Indivisible Citizen Lobby Day happens on Wednesday February 28th from 8.15am until noon and then at 1.30pm people are invited to sit in on a hearing for Employee Leave to Participate in Elections bill.