Film Director John Ennis was inspired to follow the chain of money into politics following the birth of his daughter.
Along the way, he journeys through high drama on the Ohio campaign trail, uncovers the secret history of the game Monopoly, and explores the underworld of L.A. street art on a humorous odyssey that reveals how much of a difference one person can make. The result is the movie Pay2Play which Ennis describes as “the cycle of money that goes from donors to politicians and the donors are rewarded with public funds many more times than what they put in.”
Ennis says that money in politics has in many ways become the driving issue in the 2016 Presidential campaign for both Democrats and Republicans “recent polling says that in Iowa over 90% of Republicans voting in the primary says that there is too much money in politics and that it’s ruining our democracy.”
PAY 2 PLAY features Robert Reich, Noam Chomsky, Lawrence Lessig, Jerry Springer, John Nichols, Van Jones, Marianne Williamson, Jack Abramoff, Thom Hartmann, Bob Edgar and more…
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Pay2Play will be screened Wednesday, September 16 6:30PM – 8:29PM at AMC Westminster Promenade 24, 10655 Westminster Blvd., Westminster, followed by a panel discussion featuring Holly Mosher, the film’s producer and members of Colorado Common Cause and Clean Slate.