Not Original: Cherokee Trail High School Students Take Struggle to Social Media

Last week, the students of the Production 3 Theater Class of the Cherokee Trails High School in Aurora were hard at work on an original production called Evolution, ­­a stage show written, directed and starring these students when they received an unpleasant surprise. A little more than a week before their show was slated to premiere, they were informed by high school administration that their show was canceled.

According to an official response from the administration, they said they had to cancel or at the very least postpone the show because it did not meet their standards for stage productions, and that the students failed to provide the content of Evolution in a timely enough fashion for the administration to work with them to make it happen. The students of this class tell a very different story about the administration’s response, saying there was no conversation about working together to adjust the show, which currently covers LGBTQ and nontraditional family issues. According to the students, they complied with a request from their teacher when asked for the content, and were shocked about the result.

So the students took to social media, forming a facebook page called, Not Original, to tell their side of the story. The page has over 460 followers and received local and national coverage. Earlier this week, Cherokee Trails High School reversed their decision and tonight Evolution will premiere at 7:00. Veronica Straight­Lingo had a chance to speak to student and Not Original spokesperson Dyllan Moran, who explained what happened.


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