The Indycator – Water and the Governor’s Race

The Indycator is a weekly lowdown on Colorado’s must-watch 2018 governor’s race from the staff of The Colorado Independent, a nonprofit digital newsroom of award-winning reporters focused on news in the public interest, in collaboration with KGNU community radio, an independent, listener supported community radio station, broadcasting in Boulder, Denver and the Front Range and part of the Rocky Mountain Community Radio Coalition.


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    The Indycator – Water and the Governor’s Race KGNU News


Today we speak with Indy editor Susan Greene about the lack of discussion on water on the part of the two candidates, and the water policy of the current Governor that has been big on talk but short on action.

New episodes of the Indycator come out every Thursday between now and the 2018 elections.  You can hear it broadcast on KGNU every Thursday at 3pm.

Subscribe to the Indycator on iTunes to get new editions.

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