Headlines — August 29, 2022

August 29, 2022


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    Headlines — August 29, 2022 christian

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Fentanyl And Meth Are Killing Coloradans At An Alarming Rate 

New data from The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment shows a spike in overdose deaths across Colorado during 2021. According to the CDPHE, Colorado lost close to 2000 lives over a 12-month period – doubling the rate from a few years before. Officials blame the increase on highly potent fentanyl. According to the Denver Post, “at least 1,881 Coloradans died of drugs in 2021. The majority of these deaths are tied to the use of fentanyl and methamphetamine.” Four years ago, meth was the most deadly drug in Colorado. Illicit fentanyl is produced by drug trafficking organizations and is extremely popular in the Colorado drug market. The drug is highly addictive. It is also often hiding in other drugs or disguised to imitate others, like cocaine and heroin. 

Greeley Schools Fund Student Absence Investigation 

Schools in the Northern-Greeley district are using Covid-19 funds for attendance enforcement efforts. The district signed a $644,000 three-year contract with Zero Dropouts, a Denver-based consulting group. They track down high school students that struggle with attendance, and they help them catch up on credits and missing work. According to The Denver Post, before the pandemic in 2020, 35% of Greeley-Evans students missed 10% or more of school days a year. That rose to 40% the following school year. The state rate is 26%. The Denver Post wrote that many factors contribute to absenteeism, but some include student disengagement, academic struggle and financial insecurity.

East Troublesome Fire Victims Waiting Years To Rebuild

Two years after the East Troublesome Fire in Grand County, recovery is slow. The fire destroyed nearly 400 structures, and so far only 124 rebuilding permits have been issuedA lack of area contractors able to take on new projects is also an issue. Steve Jensen, owner of Mountain Top Builders and the former President of Grand County Builders Association, told 9News that his company is backlogged until 2025. Some residents have been staying in RVs on their properties while they wait to rebuild their homes.

Boulder Rethinking Fee On Plastic Bags

The city of Boulder is reportedly rethinking its tax on plastic bags and plastic waste products. Single use plastic bags, polystyrene cups, and plastic containers all receive a tax upon purchase. According to city data, the amount of bags used has remained steady at around four million to four point five million bags since the beginning of the tax.The city is looking to develop an alternative plan to incentivize zero waste measures at point of purchase. 

24 States, Including Colorado Will Get $560M For High-Priority Cleanup Of Abandoned Oil And Gas Wells

The Interior Department announced Thursday that 24 states, including Colorado, will receive $560 million for cleaning up numerous abandoned oil and gas wells on both state and private land. The announcement goes hand in hand with a separate bipartisan infrastructure plan that acts as a program for the cleaning of orphan wells across the nation. The Department’s plan calls for improvements in data collection and in well location techniques, along with more recorded research as the program grows. The department has identified 130,000 wells that need cleaning. Colorado will specifically receive $25 million in grant funds to close and clean 710 abandoned wells.

Superior Target Slated To Reopen

The Target store in Superior damaged in the Marshall Fire will reopen tomorrow morning. The December 30th fire damaged the roof and triggered the sprinkler system, which did not shut off for days, thereby causing water damage within the store. The repaired and restocked location will reopen tomorrow at 7am.

Colorado Uses New Method To Issue Heat Advisory

Officials expect an extreme heat wave currently in Southern California to hit Colorado later this week. Ahead of the weather, the National Weather Service has announced a change in the way they measure “extreme heat” across Colorado. Since the start of the year, Colorado has been using a so-called HeatRisk method of measuring temperatures and climate averages. It’s a method used more commonly across drier, western parts of the country to analyze the heat based on an average daily temperature. The NWS traditionally pegs high temperatures to humidity to issue heat advisories, making heat advisories rare for Colorado’s dry climate–Even when temperatures are high enough to put people’s health at risk. The Denver area has not had a single heat advisory in 13 years. According to The Sentinel, since the implementation of HeatRisk at the beginning of the year, there have been five heat advisories for the northeastern part of the state. 

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