Three Generations Of Women Discuss Sexual Assault Ahead Of Support Center’s 50th Anniversary

Photo Credit: Feminis Collective Las Tesis

The only support center for sexual assault victims in Boulder County will host its 50th-anniversary fundraiser next week. Boulder created what has become MESA, Moving to End Sexual Assault, in response to a high-profile abduction, sexual assault, and shooting of two young girls in 1972. The service was one of only three similar programs across the nation. 

KGNU’s Alexis Kenyon spoke with Dr. Janine D’Anniballe, MESA’s longtime director. D’Anniballe is a nationally recognized expert in sexual assault and traumatic stress. Joining them was News Intern Claire Purnell.

For more information about MESA’s 50th Anniversary Fundraiser and Silent Auction on October 20, 2022, visit their website.  

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    Three Generations Of Women Discuss Sexual Assault Ahead Of Support Center’s 50th Anniversary Alexis Kenyon

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Alexis Kenyon

Alexis Kenyon is a radio reporter with more than 15 years of experience creating compelling, sound-rich radio stories for news outlets across the country.

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