COP 20 Lima: The Climate Talks: International Youth Movement Joins to Confront Fossil Fuel Industry Reps

Today we bring you our continuing coverage of COP 20 – The Climate Talks where the talks ended at midnight Saturday night.  Before that though, the Youth Movement staged an action to prevent the corporate takeover of the talks and to prevent any backroom deals.  The Early Morning News team brings us a report.

The Climate Talks in Lima, Peru concluded in the middle of the night on Saturday with United Nations representatives calling the talks a win, and civil society groups calling it a disaster.  In a press release to reporters from the UN, the Conference was determined successful because, “Significant progress was made in elevating adaptation onto the same level as action to cut and curb emissions.”  
The press release also gave credit to the Talks for educating the community about the effects of climate change.  Civil society groups though, the youth movement, environmental groups, the indigenous, and small farmers have long been warning about the environmental destruction that they have faced.  In the following piece, the Early Morning News team brings you coverage of a march organized by an international representation of youth who found out about a meeting between governmental officials and cop organizers.  They marched to the meeting location and held a protest many covering their faces because they expressed past experience with police violence.  They asked for media coverage because of this repression, so KGNU was there to bring you this report.
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    COP 20 Lima: The Climate Talks: International Youth Movement Joins to Confront Fossil Fuel Industry Reps Early Morning News


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    COP 20 Lima: The Climate Talks: International Youth Movement Joins to Confront Fossil Fuel Industry Reps Early Morning News



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