Tech Talks: Race to the Top Grant Tour at the Innovation Center

In this episode of Tech Talks, the Innovation Center of St. Vrain Valley School District, recently had 150 visitors  from other RTTT Grant recipients and programs around the country. These individuals toured the Innovation Center and RTTT Schools. Their visit was to see how influential the Race to the Top Grant that we were given for educational development was for the schools of Saint Vrain Valley.

Our guests were impressed by the development that is going on at the district’s Innovation Center and surrounding schools. They shared their thoughts on the tour and what they were looking for when the attended the ISTE conference in Denver June 26 through June 29.

Hosted by Liliana Arredondo, with guests: Lisa Metzinger, Ilia Molina, Zoe Whitehorn, and Chris Sturgis.

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    Tech Talks: Race to the Top Grant Tour at the Innovation Center kgnu



En este episodio de Tech Talks, el Innovation Center de St. Vrain Valley recientemente tuvo 150 visitantes de otros receptores y programas en todo el país. Estos individuos recorrieron el Innovation Center y Escuelas RTTT . Su visita fue para ver la influencia que la beca Race To The Top que nos dieron para el desarrollo educativo ha tenido para las escuelas de St. Vrain Valley. Nuestros invitados quedaron impresionados por el desarrollo que está pasando en el Innovation Center del distrito y las escuelas de los alrededores. Ellos compartieron sus pensamientos sobre la gira y lo que estaban buscando, ya que asisten a la conferencia ISTE en Denver de el 26 de junio hasta el 29 de junio.

Anfitrión: Liliana Arredondo

Invitados: Lisa Metzinger, Ilia Molina, Zoe Whitehorn, y Chris Sturgis

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