Storyteller Shares Thoughts On Dehumanizing Immigration Practices

This month of February, Storytellers of Color KGNU’s Rossana Longo Better interviews local lawyer and author Cesar Cuactemoc Garcia Hernandez, who has appeared in the New York Times, NPR, The Guardian, and many others, to talk about his recent book Welcome the Wretched his recent book which is well-timed for a year when our national immigration policies will be debated in the upcoming presidential election and beyond.
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To García Hernández, the solution is clear: allow migrants to cross the border, decouple and defang the immigration and criminal legal systems, and let America live up to its promise as a safe and welcoming haven for all, not only for some.
The book reveals how Silicon Valley today makes millions of dollars by harvesting and selling data that helps movement agencies find migrants who may have committed even. the most negligible crimes: Humanizes reams of research data to show that fear of criminal aliens is overblown in the US – where most immigrant communities are more peaceful and crime-free than non-immigrant communities and are driven by racism and bias.


Picture of Rossana Longo-Better

Rossana Longo-Better


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