Colorado Wildflowers Have Started To Bloom

Image by Stephen R. Jones of Townsendia Hookeria also known as the Easter Daisy with bee

On April’s Nature Almanac, Colorado native Easter Daisies bloom among the 60 million-year-old shale rock formations of Boulder’s Six Mile Fold. Steve Jones and Ruth Carol Cushman lead the hunt for these tiny and tenacious daisies.

lmage by Stephen R. Jones, of Clamshell fossils in Fort Hays limestone along the Six-Mile Fold
Image by Stephen R. Jones of Physaria, a rare flower that typically blooms late-April


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    Colorado Wildflowers Have Started To Bloom Alexis Kenyon

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Alexis Kenyon

Alexis Kenyon is a radio reporter with more than 15 years of experience creating compelling, sound-rich radio stories for news outlets across the country.

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