“Pygmalion” By Boulder’s Upstart Crow Labor of Love for Director and her Cast, Crew

Boulder’s Upstart Crow Theater is back with George Bernard Shaw’s “Pygmalion”, playing at the Carsen Theater in the Dairy Arts Center Friday and Saturday nights at 7:30 and Sunday at 2 through May 26th. “Pygmalion” is the classic play that details the efforts Eliza Doolittle, an ambitious, lower class woman, to better her station in life, while contending with the efforts of phonetics Professor Higgins and linguist Colonel Pickering to shape her into their idea of an upper class lady. “Pygmalion” forms the basis for the musical “My Fair Lady,” though the two showcase many key narrative differences. For Director Lois Moger, this was an unexpected opportunity to rediscover one of her favorite stories in a brand new way.

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    “Pygmalion” By Boulder’s Upstart Crow Labor of Love for Director and her Cast, Crew Veronica Straight-Lingo

Picture of Veronica Straight-Lingo

Veronica Straight-Lingo


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