My Country My Vote! Rally on CU campus to coincide with GOP debate

“We decided, a number of leaders here in Colorado, to hold this rally…for two purposes. One is to speak against the anti-immigrant rhetoric and anti-Hispanic rhetoric we’ve been hearing from certain Presidential candidates and secondly, to encourage people who are there and throughout the state to register to vote.”

Former Denver Mayor and former U.S. Secretary of Transportation and Energy, Federico Peña will join state, local, and national groups at a rally at Farrand Field on CU’s Boulder campus, on Wednesday October 28th at 4pm, to coincide with the GOP Presidential candidate debate on campus. Peña says this is non-partisan event, aimed at politicians of any party who think it is fair or right to demonize immigrants “I know that unless we stand up and speak out some people will begin to believe the rhetoric.”

Peña says the rally at Farrand field will also launch a 12 month long get-out-the-vote campaign to mobilize the Latino community, which many analysts say will play an important role in the 2016 elections. He says the Latino vote played an important role in electing Barack Obama in the last two presidential elections “what we want to do is increase that political power and tell people, don’t just get angry and don’t sit home and be upset about this rhetoric, go out and do something, and the most important thing you can do is register to vote and to vote.”  Organizers of Wednesday’s rally say they hope to register a minimum of 30,000 and as many as 70,000 new registered voters in Colorado alone in the next 12 months.


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