Medicare For All Conversation Comes to Boulder

On Sunday, June 16 the Boulder Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and Our Revolution Boulder are presenting a panel discussion on “Medicare for All” as part of a national weekend of action.


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    Medicare For All Conversation Comes to Boulder KGNU News



This discussion comes at a time when Medicare for All seems to be reaching the forefront of the national political conversation. According to Chris Diehn, the southwest regional organizer for DSA and their Medicare for All campaign, the movement is stronger now than ever.


“There have been hearings in the House budget committee and rules committee and there are hearings coming up in ways and means on June 12,” said Diehn. “And recently, several reps, four in the last couple of weeks, have signed onto H.R. 1384, the Medicare for All Act of 2019.”


Increasing support for Medicare for All is evident on the national level with politicians like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a co-sponsor of the Medicare for All Act, rising to power. However, many Colorado politicians are also making their support for Medicare for All known such as U.S. Representatives for Colorado Joe Neguse, Diana DeGette and Ed Perlmutter.


The upcoming panel discussion hopes to build off of this political advancement.


“The goal is not only to harness the energy of the progress that we’ve made over the last few weeks with these hearings but also to reinforce the principles of what Medicare for All is,” said Diehn.


According to Diehn, what Medicare for All is to DSA can be broken down into five principles:


  1. A single health program: everyone covered by one federal health insurance program with equal access to all medical services.
  2. Comprehensive coverage: All services that require a medical professional are fully covered including dental, vision, mental health and long term care.
  3. Free at the point of service: All costs are covered through tax contributions, no copays, fees, deductibles or premiums.
  4. Universal coverage: Every United States resident, including noncitizens, receive coverage.
  5. A jobs program: A system set in place to provide severance, training and housing for everyone who is affected by the healthcare transition.


“Many of the representatives in Congress are endorsing Medicare for All and also one of the many other public option or Medicare for Some bills,” said Diehn. “Our crucial mission here is to make it clear that we can accept nothing less than true Medicare for All.”


The discussion will be taking place on Sunday, June 16 from 12:15 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Boulder Public Library’s Boulder Creek Room. The speakers include Diehn as well as Sara Wright, the director of communications for the Colorado Foundation for Universal Health Care, Dr. Richard Bieser from Physicians for a National Health Program and Marie Adams from Our Revolution Boulder. For more information about the discussion click here.


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