Make Them Hear You! Comey’s Testimoney

Make Them Hear You! is a weekly feature on KGNU, produced by Chris Mohr, letting listeners know how they can have their voices heard on issues up before Congress. You can hear it Wednesday mornings at 8.20am during the Morning Magazine.

Let’s talk about Colorado’s Republican Senator, Cory Gardner. There are two major issues he is being very quiet about these days: the Senate Healthcare Bill which he is working on, and his response to James Comey’s testimony.

Gardner has had no town hall meetings, and therefore he is not facing his constituents as he draws up the Senate healthcare bill. His aides seem to believe the Senate will take its time, and listen to their constituents. But the Senate is not scheduling public hearings on their healthcare bill, and Gardner is not giving us a chance to speak to him directly. So constituents are having to tell him their thoughts on healthcare gender discrimination, lifetime caps, pre-existing conditions, costs, Medicare and Medicaid, as well as why this is personally significant—often with no idea where he stands. They are also making themselves heard on the issue of open hearings.

As for James Comey’s testimony, many Republicans are speaking out, but Cory Gardner is not one of them. Last October, he called on Trump to drop out of the presidential race and said he wouldn’t vote for him, but now he’s softening his stance – or taking no stance at all – as the Trump drama continues to unfold. Gardner said of Comey, “this can’t be about politics. It is important to focus on what Comey reiterated… [that] he made clear that Russia attempted to meddle in our election.” He has said nothing at all about Trump’s threatening tweets and whether they could amount to intimidating a witness; to Trump’s denials of what Comey said under oath; whom he believes is the liar – Trump or Comey – or what he thinks about Trump’s request to drop the investigation of Mike Flynn. Philip Lacarova, a Watergate special prosecutor, said Comey’s testimony is “red meat for a prosecutor.” Does Gardner think the Senate should call in Trump’s promise to be 100% willing to testify under oath? What does he think about Comey taking Trump at his word that he was fired because of concerns about the Russian investigation?

Other Republicans have been more forthcoming in their opinions. Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, has urged members to investigate “all matters related to obstruction of justice.” Senator Lindsey Graham has said that Donald Trump’s habit of “inappropriately talking” may cause him to “go down” . Sen. Richard Burr said he believed Comey, even though Trump has directly accused Comey of lying under oath.
46% of Americans think Comey was more honest than Trump; only 26% believe in Trump’s version. Whom does Senator Gardner believe? What does Senator Gardner think about Trump’s contradictory reasons for firing Comey?

Trump apologists Chris Christie and Paul Ryan say that Trump was simply unaware of the rules and traditions. These are the same people who called Obama a rank amateur. What does Sen. Gardner think? Karl Rove has slammed President Trump in an op-ed titled, “Political Death by 1,000 Tweets,” published recently in the Wall Street Journal. What does Cory Gardner think of Trump’s Tweetstorms?

If you’re concerned about Sen. Gardner’s reluctance to open up about healthcare or the Comey/Trump scandal, you can call, write or email his office yourself and ask for answers.

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