Tech Talks: The Loveland Creatorspace

Makerspaces are a new trend growing throughout Colorado. A makerspace is a place where artists, engineers, small businesses, and even members of the general community can come in and have a workspace to use.

Makerspaces generally have woodwork areas, mechanical areas, general work spaces and small cubicles. Some of the more established ones have laser cutters, 3D printers, and other more advanced equipment available to their members. Most makerspaces have two sections of users: members and open studio workers. Members pay a small fee every month to come in and work whenever they want. They generally have 24 hour access to the work area and access to all the materials without needed supervision. Open studio workers have a set time in which they can come in and work in the studio.

The Loveland Creatorspace is located in downtown Loveland around several art galleries and studios. While they were only established three years ago, they are well founded and have a growing base of members. One of the founders, Jamie Leben, showed us around the facility and talked about all of the amazing projects that have come out of the Creatorspace.

Jamie spoke with host Hannah Schineller, a senior at Skyline HS:

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