Losing the West: This Land is our Land

“These guys are the start of the food chain here. Agriculture is vitally important for rural economies.”

Losing the West: This Land is Our Land, is a documentary about small ranching and farming exemplified by the story of a lifelong Colorado cowboy, Howard Linscott.

With farm and ranch land dwindling due to population growth and development, many have made the hard choice to sell their land. Their children are leaving the business as well, unable to afford the steep costs of equipment, raising crops and livestock, or simply to choose careers that offer more financial reward. As the U.S. population expands, who will raise our crops and livestock? How can we preserve the precious resources that we need to sustain life? What will happen if we loose our fertile land and how can we stop this before it’s too late? Denver born film maker Alex Warren explores these issues in this documentary that is being screened on Tuesday April 7th at 7.30pm at the Muenzinger Auditorium on the CU Boulder campus. The screening will be followed by a discussion between Alex Warren and Patty Limerick of the Center for the American West who is featured in the film.


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