Honoring the 50th anniversary of six Chicano activists who died in car bombings; how one CO mountain town united for Palestine

Coming up on this morning’s Morning Magazine, it’s the 50th anniversary of Los Seis de Boulder, a day marked by the deaths of six Chicano activists and students from CU who died in car bombings. We’ll hear about local perspectives and ways to commemorate the day. Then, residents of a Colorado mountain town spoke out to share their solidarity with the people of Palestine. You’ll hear from some of them this morning. After that, we’ll wrap-up with Dot Org, our Friday spotlight on local nonprofits.


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    Honoring the 50th anniversary of six Chicano activists who died in car bombings; how one CO mountain town united for Palestine Jackie Sedley

Hosted by KGNU’s Jackie Sedley.

Picture of Jackie Sedley

Jackie Sedley


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