Capitol Conversation: Last two weeks of the 2016 Legislative Session

With less than two weeks left in the state’s annual legislative session lawmakers still have some big items they want to tackle. Hear are highlights from capitol conversation with Bente Birkeland.

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    Capitol Conversation: Last two weeks of the 2016 Legislative Session kgnu


On Major Ticket Items Still Pending

John Frank- Denver Post:

“These final eight days will largely define the entire session because we’ve got so many big ticket items out there. We’re got construction defects, hospital provider fee, a new effort to move to the primary, for the presidential race here in Colorado, as well as a number of bills dealing with beer and liquor sales in grocery stores.”

Ramsey Scott- Colorado Statesman:

“Governor Hickenlooper seems to be optimistic that some of these items he’s had on his agenda since the beginning of the session, will actually be able to gain some traction and see the light of day, including the primary bill.”

On Whether Lawmakers will Reach Compromises in the Final Days of Session

John Frank- Denver Post:

“They still have a lot to do. We’re highlighting the major bills but they still have a dozen more bills that need to be done. So time is of the essence and it will take a lot of political will to really push things over the finish line.”

Ramsey Scott- Colorado Statesman:

“There’s just been message bill after message bill, and these other issues whether it be construction defects or primary are almost afterthoughts in this session, because I think this more about preparing yourselves for November as opposed to working towards May.”


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