Concerts, Arts, and other events in the public interest around the Front Range Community.

Letterkenny Presents: A Night of Stand Up

BOULDER THEATER 2032 14th Street, Boulder

A night of stand-up comedy featuring comedians from the Letterkenny family. Headlined by the always hilarious Mark Forward (Coach), the show also includes Jeff McEnery (Alexander).

For details about events, ticket availablity, or other questions, check the venue or event website.

KGNU has no additional information about this events, nor is responsible for their accuracy or last minute changes.


This May 1st and 2nd, we’re encouraging you to give and to publicly express what KGNU personally means to you.

We join other public and local stations across the country for this second annual event. It’s your forum to support and champion how KGNU connects with your values.


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