It’s Time To Talk About Race

“It really feels like it has unveiled some of the character in the community around racism and how challenging it is to talk about it.” -Lydia Ferrante-Roseberry, Boulder Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Minister.

In June of this year, the Boulder Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, hung a “Black Lives Matter” banner outside their building. Ferrante-Roseberry told KGNU’s Maeve Conran that the banner and the “Black Lives Matter” movement is a powerful catalyst for conversation in the white community, as well as a cry for a renewed commitment to racial justice in our nation.

“We thought, what a white privilege opportunity that we could choose to hang a banner or not hang a banner, whereas people of color need to wear their skin all the time and feel that vulnerability.”

The banner was vandalized and stolen twice over the Summer. The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship received negative mail and comments on social media, as well as support for their pronouncement in the predominantly white community.

The banner came down on September 30th, per Lafayette laws, but Ferrante-Roseberry says the conversations about race will continue. The Boulder Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship is holding a public meeting at the Lafayette Public Library in order to help expand this conversation within the community.

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