INVST: Celebrating 25 years of creating community leaders

“We want to offer the tools and resources for a person to make whatever decision is right for them and their career and their life, as long as all of us are dedicated to justice and sustainability as our lifetime pursuits.”

Sabrina Sideris is the Program Director for INVST (International and National Voluntarily Student Training) at the University of Colorado in Boulder, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary this weekend. Sideris says that this is a unique program and not available at any other university that “train(s) young people to be leaders who work for social justice and environmental sustainability.” This is done through classes, practical service learning experiences in the community and Summer travel.

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    INVST: Celebrating 25 years of creating community leaders kgnu


Photo: Sabrina Sideris, Program Director at INVST. Andrew Bryson, a philosophy major is in his second year in the INVST program.

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