Invisible Handcuffs: Author Rev. Tammy Garrett-Williams Talks about Life after Prison


The Reverend Tammy Garrett-Williams told her fellow inmates in Community Corrections that she would tell their stories upon her release.  In her new book, Invisible Handcuffs, she kept her promise.

After serving 18 months of a four-year sentence in the Colorado Department of Corrections she began a life on parole which further inspired her to write Invisible Handcuffs.  She is currently a student of business and theology and hopes to build her ministry to invite those with similar stories.  She can be seen at many civil rights events, speaking out against injustices of those marginalized by society.  Here she speaks to KGNU about Invisible Handcuffs:



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    Invisible Handcuffs: Author Rev. Tammy Garrett-Williams Talks about Life after Prison Early Morning News

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Early Morning News



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