Nationwide day of action demands visa reform

Photo by Leticia Ramirez.

It’s been nearly four decades since the last major overhaul of the immigrant visa system. In that time, immigration enforcement and detention has grown into a major for-profit industry and millions of people living in the U.S. without authorization have been in a state of legal limbo. 

Both political parties have fallen short on promises of comprehensive immigration reform – and neither have come to a bipartisan agreement on what constitutes a just reform. A number of temporary programs have come into place in the interim, like Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals and Temporary Protected Status.

Immigrant-led advocacy groups have stepped up their calls for Congress to pass measures to reform the visa system in a way that would provide de facto permanent residents with legal permanent resident status. 

Today they are organizing a nationwide day of action. KGNU and Report for America’s Jackie Sedley spoke with Leticia Ramirez of United For Immigration Reform about the details.


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    Nationwide day of action demands visa reform Jackie Sedley

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