Headlines — September 8, 2022

September 8, 2022


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    Headlines — September 8, 2022 Luis Licon

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West Nile Virus Cases Increase

Boulder County Public Health (BCPH) is asking residents to take precautions while outdoors due to a rise in cases of West Nile Virus. Ten people have been hospitalized due to the West Nile Virus since August 1st. Some BCPH recommendations include the use of insect repellent and long sleeves, drain standing water, and limiting activities during dusk and dawn. 

Symptoms of the virus appear 3-14 days after being bitten by an infected mosquito. Sandra Sonoda, Communicable Disease nurse at Boulder County Public Health, said in a press release that Boulder County seems likely to surpass last year’s total of ten hospitalized West Nile Virus cases.

There is currently no cure for the virus, and doctors and specialists can only treat symptoms. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment dashboard shows 42 hospitalized cases and five deaths statewide this year.

Lawsuit Filed For CU Boulder South Ballot Language

Petitioners with “Repeal CU Boulder South” have filed a lawsuit against the City of Boulder for ballot language regarding the question of reversing a city government decision to annex CU South. Petitioners argue that the language lacks clarity. Boulder City Council approved the ballot language on the city attorney’s advice. The November ballot is set to be finalized by tomorrow.

BVSD Seeks To Annex Education Center Into Boulder

The Boulder Planning commission approved a proposal from The Boulder Valley School District to annex its land on east Arapahoe this week.  

The annexation comes about 6o years after BVSD bought the land in 1962 and a commitment a couple of years after the sale which granted BVSD use of Boulder’s utilities and a promise to annex the land in the future. 

The need for annexation came in 2019 when the district began construction on a central kitchen and proposed plans to partner with the city to create an affordable housing modular factory on the property. The annexation agreement enables BVSD to develop its nearly 42-acre property in partnership with the city’s Housing and Human Services and Flatirons Habitat for Humanity to create an Education Center for Construction students and build modular homes. 

If the city council approves the annexation, BVSD must comply with city-mandated building codes, including the “dark sky” rules to eliminate light pollution. 

High Fire Danger Across Front Range Alarms Firefighters

The National Weather Service has issued a heat advisory for most plains and I-25 Corridor. 

The National Weather Service advises residents to take extra precautions when outside and around open flames or potential ignition sources. Health authorities advise limiting strenuous activities outdoors to avoid the risk of heat stroke and heat exhaustion. 

Various Colorado Elected Offices Will Be In Grand Junction This Weekend For Debates And Speeches

Boebert and Frisch will debate at 7:20 PM on Saturday at Club 20. It’s a right-leaning booster organization representing 20 counties on the Western Slope. The events will be live-streamed on Club 20’s Facebook page. Lauren Boebert drew national attention earlier this summer when she spoke at Cornerstone Church in Basalt and criticized the separation of church and state.

Former Aspen city councilor Adam Frisch says he’s been trying to focus his campaign on issues important to voters—like water, healthcare, and inflation. He says his experience working on affordable housing in Aspen has resonated with folks across the district—that affordable housing is not just a problem for wealthy resort communities. Frisch says if elected, he hopes to improve constituent services in-district—something he says he’s heard complaints about. Boebert’s campaign has not responded to a request for comment.

Picture of Luis Licon

Luis Licon

Dedicated student, passionate about government relations and social issues. Currently an Intern at KGNU Community Radio as a Bilingual Reporter attending the University of Colorado Boulder.

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