Headlines — November 1, 2022

November 1, 2022


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    Headlines — November 1, 2022 Luis Licon

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Boulder Police Officer Cleared By DA

A Boulder Police officer has been cleared of wrongdoing after a shootout with two men on University Hill in October, according to the Boulder District Attorney.

The Daily Camera reports that the District Attorney’s office made the announcement to clear Eric Stephens, in a letter released on Monday.

The investigation did not determine whether Stephens or another suspect, Gabriel Sharma, shot Zakiyy Lucas, the other suspect involved in the shooting.

According to the letter, Stephens and another officer confronted two suspects while investigating a nuisance call on University Hill at 1:27 AM 

Investigators say Stephens saw Lucas firing a weapon and shot back. While the officers were taking Lucas into custody, Police believe Sharma fired four shots in their direction, after which Lucas told police he had been shot in the arm. 

Boulder District Attorney Michael Dougherty said, “The law enforcement officers responded quickly and demonstrated real courage. Whenever a police officer uses potentially deadly physical force, the ensuing investigation is important to all those involved and to our community.”

Local Medical Company Receives Funding To Fight Rare Disease

A Boulder-based medical device company will receive a $1 million investment for research into a rare disease that causes the breakdown of the trachea. Lazzaro Medical LLC will get the funding from Northwell Health, a New York State health company.

This investment will help Lazzaro to develop the treatment for the degenerative disease that causes the cartilage in the trachea to break down and block the airway. Lazzaro plans to submit the minimally invasive procedure to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Rob Israel, Co-Founder and CDO of Lazzaro Medical, told the Daily Camera, “We’re thrilled to welcome this strategic investment from Northwell, a world-class leader driving innovation in patient outcomes and care.”

Student Ticketed After Bringing A Gun To School

A student at a Denver charter school was ticketed for bringing a gun to school Monday.

The Denver Post reports that the gun was confiscated after another student, who saw the weapon, told a school employee, who alerted police using the Safe2Tell reporting system.

No one was hurt. The student, who has not been identified, was not arrested, but was ticketed for unlawful possession of a weapon. A spokeswoman for the STRIVE Prep-Rise charter school said the school always encourages students to report anything unsafe.

The incident remains under investigation by Denver Police and Denver Public Schools security.

Infrastructure Concerns At Lake Powell’s Glen Canyon Dam

Infrastructure concerns at Lake Powell’s Glen Canyon Dam are causing Colorado River managers to look at releasing less water from Lake Powell. Steve Miller has more.

Colorado River managers worry that another considerably dry year combined with a 7 million acre-foot release could drop the Lake Powell reservoir below the point at which the Glen Canyon dam can no longer generate hydropower. The Colorado Sun reports that the current operating rules do not allow for the bureau to release less than 7 million acre-feet out of the dam each year.

The managers are seeking the ability to release less water from Lake Powell next year as they work to revise the operating guidelines to protect the Colorado River System and stabilize rapidly declining reservoir storage elevations.

Changing operations at Lake Powell and Lake Mead means the bureau must prepare a supplemental environmental impact statement, which they intend to do by Friday. 

Currently Lake Powell is less than 25% full after two dry decades and three particularly dry years in a row. The water level is low enough that another significantly dry year combined with the 7-million-acre-foot release could lead to the Utah reservoir falling below a critical elevation, threatening the dam’s infrastructure and its ability to generate hydropower.

Climate Protesters Marched During Halloween

Environmentalists and Climate activists dressed in zombie costumes marched in Denver Saturday to protest fossil fuel financing. Activists marched from Union Station to Chase Bank, Wells Fargo, and the Federal Reserve, protesting the financial fueling of the fossil fuel industry of 60 plus of the biggest banks in the world.

The group wore zombie outfits representing the connection between fossil fuel investments, bankers, and the climate crisis. US Banks are the number one fossil fuel funders. So far, banks have contributed $4.6 trillion to the industry. Giselle Herzfeld, Defunding Climate Disaster Campaign Coordinator for 350 Colorado, said in a press release, “In spite of this, Wall Street banks have continued to pump hundreds of billions of dollars into the fossil fuel industry, under the guidance of the U.S. Federal Reserve. This is why we continue to call on the Federal Reserve and the Wall Street banks to stop funding the climate crisis, and start funding a Green New Deal.”

Residents Of Keystone Seek To Become A Town

Residents in Keystone, Colorado have filed papers to make the unincorporated mountain resort the state’s newest town. They filed a petition in state court in October, and say it had more than enough signatures. A special election next year could decide the issue. Supporters say becoming a town would allow them to shape their future, improve public safety, and provide bus stops for school kids.

As a town, they would also have the power to limit hazardous oil tanker trucks that pass through the area. A tanker crashed and exploded, causing two fatalities, in the 1990s.

Ken Riley, a retired Air Force colonel and one of the members coordinating the campaign, said to the Denver Post, “it’s important that the community have an identity. We’ve grown by 40% over the past five years in full-time population. It’s time to recognize that we are indeed a community. … a family-friendly resort community.” 


Picture of Luis Licon

Luis Licon

Dedicated student, passionate about government relations and social issues. Currently an Intern at KGNU Community Radio as a Bilingual Reporter attending the University of Colorado Boulder.

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