Headlines — January 25, 2023

January 25, 2023


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    Headlines — January 25, 2023 Alyssa Palazzo

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Boulder Launches New Program For Families Affected By The Marshall Fire

The city of Boulder has launched a new grant program to fund repairs to manufactured homes damaged by winds during the Marshall Fire. Manufactured home communities are particularly vulnerable to extreme weather events and more than 400 homes suffered damage during the fire according to Boulder Housing Project Manager Crystal Launder, Senior.

The program will help prioritize mobile home communities and contractors will help residents add insulation to their units which can make them more airtight and resilient to extreme weather events. 

The city will first focus on the most needed and urgent repairs and then expand the program to help residents upgrade their home systems to reduce energy costs. The new Climate Tax funds the program and the city’s effort to improve communities due to the now-growing effect of climate change.

Colorado Joins DOJ Lawsuit Against Google’s Online Advertising Monopoly

Colorado is one of eight states joining the Department of Justice in an antitrust lawsuit against Google. The DOJ says Google violated the Sherman Antitrust Act by acquiring the largest online advertising exchange platform –DoubleClick Ad Exchange in 2008. The most recent lawsuit says Google actively imposed unfair restrictions and higher fees on the company’s rivals. 

Now formerly known as Google Ad Exchange, Google controls both buyers and sellers. Google’s shares went down 1.3% yesterday as uncertainty with the lawsuit plays out. This is the second lawsuit filed by the DOJ against Google. 

Senate Bill 16 Proposes State Tax Credit For Electric-Powered Lawn Equipment

A state Senate Committee will hear a bill today that aims to create incentives to transition away from high emitting gas powered lawn equipment. KGNU’s Alyssa Palazzo has more. 

This afternoon the Colorado Senate Transportation and Energy Committee will consider Senate Bill 16, which proposes a state tax credit for electric-powered lawnmowers, leaf blockers, trimmers, and snow blowers,

The Colorado Public Interest Research Group – or CoPIRG – estimates  transitioning away from gas-powered lawn equipment could be one of the more high impact ways to reduce air pollution in the Front Range. In a recent study, the research group noted that a consumer-grade leaf blower emits nearly 300 times the amount of ozone-forming pollutants as a 2011 Ford F-150 pickup truck.

Sponsors of SB-16 predict their proposed tax credit credit will reduce consumer prices for electric lawn equipment by 30 percent. 

For KGNU, I’m Alyssa Palazzo

Unionization at Starbucks 

A Starbucks location on Baseline and Broadway has become the first in Boulder to unionize. Workers there voted yesterday by a margin of 13 to 2 in favor of union representation.

Geof Cahoon, President of the Boulder Area Labor Council, congratulated the café workers in a press release, stating the win is “an example of broad community support and solidarity for the labor movement.”

The Boulder Starbucks location is the ninth in Colorado to unionize.

Through the approved unionization, workers expect to negotiate for higher pay, schedule consistency and increased staffing in busy locations. 

Adams County Launch Health Department

Adams County has officially launched and opened a county wide health department. Adam’s county manager, Noel Bernal, said building the department required diligent planning, strong leadership, and a $27 million budget. The ACHD will focus on many public health issues, such as social determinants of health, disease prevention and control, maternal and child health, mental and behavioral health, food access and environmental health.

The department will also provide a variety of clinical services at low or no cost to the community and will work closely with community partners to improve overall health outcomes for residents. The ACHD aims to address components of population health lost during the COVID-19 pandemic and reduce health inequities impacting diverse populations.

Suncor Polluted Sand Creek With Excessive Levels of Benzene

Reports filed late last week from the Colorado Department of Health and Environment show Excessive levels of Benzene contamination in Sand Creek– which passes by Suncor Refinery. 

Suncor informed the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment about releasing 80% more benzene into the creek than legally permitted earlier this month. 

Suncor also reported in the letter that they found elevated levels of benzene in the creek and isolated the affected water to treat it. Testing on Jan. 4 and Jan. 5 showed benzene levels of seven micrograms per liter and nine micrograms per liter, respectively. However, testing on Jan. 6 showed benzene concentrations at one microgram per liter. The company is still conducting repairs on its equipment, and as a result, people will see and hear work happening, despite the plant being shut down.

Picture of Alyssa Palazzo

Alyssa Palazzo


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