Headlines – August 9, 2023


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    Headlines – August 9, 2023 Por Jaijongkit

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Representative Neguse Leads Bipartisan Legislation Increasing Firefighter Pay

Congressman Joe Neguse introduced a bill yesterday to extend base pay increases for wildland firefighters. 

The Wildland Firefighter Paycheck Protection Act incorporates provisions from a larger bill also introduced by Congressman Neguse known as Tim’s Act. 

Tim’s Act, named in honor of Tim Hart who lost his life fighting the New Mexico Eicks Fire, increases base pay, improves deployment pay, supports enhanced pay management oversight, and ensures firefighters receive paid rest and recuperation leave.

The new bill extends temporary pay increases that are set to expire Sept. 30.

This legislation comes on the heels of increasing wildfire destruction in western Colorado, with lightning-sparked fires in western Colorado burning more than 300-acres of land since July 31. 

10 State Legislators from Colorado Sign a Pledge to Welcome Refugees

Ten Colorado legislators joined over 100 other representatives Tuesday in signing a pledge to welcome refugees to the U.S. 

The pledge is part of an initiative by Voice for Refuge Action Fund inviting legislators nationwide to support policy protecting refugee and immigrant communities in their states. The initiative has already garnered support from lawmakers in 34 states and the District of Columbia. 

Representatives who signed the State Legislators for Welcome pledge committed to publicly call for an increase in refugee resettlement, support State investments in refugee services, and consult with refugee and immigrant leaders in their state. 

Chevron has Finalized Purchase of PDC, Becoming Colorado’s Largest Oil and Gas Producer

Oil giant Chevron has become the largest oil and gas producer in the state of Colorado after finalizing a $7.6 billion acquisition of PDC Energy on Monday. In Colorado, the company has acquired 275,000 acres of land that was owned by PDC, as well as the equivalent of 1 billion barrels of oil.

According to Kim Mchugh, vice president of Chevron Corp’s ‘Rockies’ Business Unit, the purchase has made the unit the fourth largest in the company in terms of barrel production. This acquisition has followed a trend of consolidation in Colorado’s oil industry, notably with a similar acquisition taking place between Chevron and Noble gas, with Chevron acquiring Noble for $5 billion. 

Colorado was the fifth largest state in crude oil production in 2022, most of it coming from Weld County and the Denver-Julesburg Basin. 

Colorado Renters Receive New Protections by the End of the Week 

Three new state laws went into effect Monday extending the rights of renters. The new laws come from the passage of House Bills 1099 and 1096 and Senate Bill 184.

HB 1099 states that tenants can reuse rental applications, such as background screeners, that are less than 30 days old across different property owners. This new law should help bring down the costs associated with trying to find a place to rent. 

HB 1096 implements new regulations to lease agreements that could prevent renters from fully exercising their legal rights by, for example, taking part in class-action lawsuits and jury trials. This law also restricts how much landlords are able to charge in third-party fees such as pest control or trash collection. 

SB 184 prevents landlords from requiring tenants to earn more than double the amount of rent. This law also spells out how a landlord can use a prospective renter’s credit and or rental history.

Community Protesting the Rezoning for Battery Plant in Brighton

Brighton community members are protesting the rezoning and further planning of an Lithium-ion battery manufacturing plant being built in the heart of their residential areas. 

Amprius Technologies, a California-based battery company, is building the plant in a low-income community

Brighton residents protested the plan saying it was deceitful and inaccessible to non-English speakers and those hard of hearing.

A GreenLatinos press release alleges Amprius lied to the  community and did not translate part of the plan outlining how it would affect the nearby water waste treatment facilities.

According to the same press release, the address where the plant would be placed must be rezoned by the city of Brighton to allow the storage of hazardous chemicals. The same address is walking distance from a local hospital, elementary schools, and residential homes.

Boulder Public Library is Seeking 200 volunteers for upcoming Jaipur Literature Festival

In anticipation of the 9th Jaipur Literature Festival, the Boulder Public Library is looking for volunteers to help run the festival. 

This year’s Jaipur Literature Festival will take place from Sept. 21-23 at the Boulder Public Library. The last in-person festival in 2019 brought in 12,000 attendees.

Library leaders are looking for 200 more people to volunteer at this year’s multi-day festival.

Interested volunteers can engage in various opportunities and roles across the three days. Event volunteers will also undergo a training session.

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    Headlines – August 9, 2023 Por Jaijongkit

Por Jaijongkit

Por Jaijongkit


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