Growing Hemp: From the Greenhouse to the Fields

Bob Sievers, a professor at CU Boulder, is starting the process of transferring his Hemp plants from the greenhouse to the fields. In part one of this series, Bob Sievers spoke about his hopes for the cannabis plant, and his excitement about his own crop, which can be used for medicinal purposes, electrical engineering, and more.

This particular hemp plant is high in CBD, and lower in THC, the molecule associated with the psychoactive effects of cannabis. Now, his hemp plants are ready to be transferred from the greenhouse to the fields outside.

KGNU’s Lucy Soucek and Nora Thomas spoke with Andre Condoleo, a young farmer at the hemp farm, who explained what exactly they were doing.

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    Growing Hemp: From the Greenhouse to the Fields kgnu


Front Range Bio-Sciences,an agricultural biotech company, donates plants to Sievers Infinity and provides research materials to the University of Colorado, where they can learn more about the possibilities for these plants. CEO and founder of Front Range Bio-Sciences, Johnathan Vaught, is excited about the growing Hemp industry, and specifically for this project. Vaught sees being a part of this growing industry as a, “once in a lifetime opportunity.”



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