Fracking in Colorado: What’s next?

“There is still this general sense that the main issue hasn’t been addressed – local control – and the idea that people can control where fracking is happening in their neighborhoods and in their towns.”

On Thursday April 30th, the Colorado Independent hosts a panel discussion on fracking in Colorado. The panelists include Karen Crummy of the oil and gas industry and Elise Jones, Boulder County commissioner.  John Tomasic, who will be moderating the discussion, says the oil and gas task force appointed by Governor Hickenlooper never addressed the local control issue. “The problem hasn’t gone away, the trucks are still zooming around the front range, drilling is still happening. ”


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    Fracking in Colorado: What’s next? kgnu


The Colorado  Independent panel will talk about what people can do and address many of the local control questions including:

  • What can local officials do and not do through zoning power or other mechanisms to control where drilling takes place?
  • What is the mood among residents on the ground in the Front Range gas patch?
  • Has anything significant changed politically in the last year?
  • What kind of change is being contemplated? What kind of change is fair to expect?

This free event takes place on April 30, from 6-7 p.m., at Denver Open Media, Studio A, 700 Kalamath Street, Denver.

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