The new film Harriet tells the story of slave turned abolitionist, Harriet Tubman. KGNU’s Joanne Cole speaks about the significance of the movie and the need to honor Tubman with William Barclay Allen, an American political scientist and 2018-9 Visiting Scholar in Conservative Thought and Policy at the University of Colorado in Boulder.
CU Boulder Visiting Scholar Weighs in on Harriet Tubman Film KGNU News
“What is so profoundly effective and important [in the film]… is you saw the effect of slavery on the slave owners and how they became, in Thomas Jefferson’s words, debased, corrupted, even mad because of nothing other than the sheer consequence of the inhumanity of what they were doing. We don’t often enough stop to think about that. How can people own manage and brutalize slaves without destroying themselves?” – William Barclay Allen