COP 20 Lima: The Climate Talks: Aussie Climate Activists Call out Australian Government on Lack of Action to Face Climate Change

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Two environmental activists from Australia have come to Lima to work against climate change and to expose their own government for its role in promoting the fossil fuel industry.  Australia is home to the largest climate port in the world in New South Wales from where KGNU has covered actions organized by Rising Tide New Castle to block this coal port using kayaks and other water vessels.

Here the two speak with KGNU about their work to prevent climate change and what they have have found in their recent research investigating mining including Denver’s Newmont Mining Corporation.  Alison Fleming is a PhD Student  investigating the effect of mining on civil society and begins the interview.


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    COP 20 Lima: The Climate Talks: Aussie Climate Activists Call out Australian Government on Lack of Action to Face Climate Change Early Morning News


Statements regarding the Yanococha Mine and the proposed expansion of the Conga Mine near Cajamarca, Peru, a subject that is also investigated by human rights groups The Alliance for Global Justice and the Denver Justice and Peace Committee:


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    COP 20 Lima: The Climate Talks: Aussie Climate Activists Call out Australian Government on Lack of Action to Face Climate Change Early Morning News



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