Colorado River vs The State of Colorado

“…natural entities have standing and they themselves have the right to exist and the right to flourish.”

Next week there will be a lawsuit filed in a Denver court on behalf of the Colorado River. The defendant in the suit is the State of Colorado. Deep Green Resistance – a national environmental stewardship organization that works through direction action – is filing as a “next friend” on behalf of the Colorado River. Jason Flores Williams, a Denver civil-rights attorney who is acting on behalf of the plaintiffs, says the suit is about establishing the rights of nature.

“In this case what we’re trying to establish or have the court decree, is that natural entities, which we know we are damaging, and which we know the damages that are occurring also to human beings ultimately immediately and in the future, is that these courts recognize the damages and injuries and deprivations to natural entities like the Colorado River, are cognizable because these natural entities have standing and they themselves have the right to exist and the right to flourish.”


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    Colorado River vs The State of Colorado KGNU News










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