Colorado AG threatens Attorney with Sanctions over Colorado River Rights of Nature Suit

Jason Flores-Williams, the attorney representing plaintiffs in the Colorado River versus the State of Colorado lawsuit, has been notified by the Colorado Attorney General that he could face sanctions if he doesn’t withdraw the lawsuit.

Flores-Williams received the letter on November 16th which said that if he did not voluntarily request dismissal with prejudice, he could face sanctions under Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, for knowingly presenting false or unwarranted claims to the court.


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    Colorado AG threatens Attorney with Sanctions over Colorado River Rights of Nature Suit KGNU News


Colorado’s Senior Assistant Attorney General Scott Steinbrecher signed the letter that informs Flores-Williams’s that “If you choose not to voluntarily withdraw your Amended Complaint with prejudice by close of business November 30, 2017, you are hereby on notice that the defendant will pursue all sanctions and remedies available under Fed R. Civ. P. 11.”

Flores Williams says in his career as an attorney, litigating many civil rights cases, he has never been threatened with sanctions in this way. “It’s the playbook that is standing right now in America. When power and those in power disagree with the viewpoint or an argument that someone who is challenging the status quo makes, then they no longer address the argument, they just try to injure you, they go after you personally. But that said, this is completely predictable and expected. Almost everyone I know right now who is really standing up against what is happening in this country and the loss of our democracy, is either on trial or indicted or facing sanctions.”

Flores-Williams responded to the AG’s letter saying they will in no way voluntarily withdraw the complaint. There will be a rally on Friday at 4.30pm December 1st at the Alfred J Arraj Courthouse, 901 19th St. Demver CO, 80294.  Flores-Williams says he is considering filing sanctions against the AG’s office for using the state seal to intimidate an attorney.


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