Motus Theater and Colorado ACLU will be hosting today a performance on the criminal legal system and incarceration as a way to honor Martin Luther King Jr and the civil rights movement.
Deborah Richardson, Executive Director of Colorado ACLU and Velvete Golightly-Howell member of the Colorado ACLU Board of Directors will stand with Juaquin Mobley and Brandon Wainright, from Motus Theater JustUs project and read aloud thier stories of dehumanization and injustice experienced at the hands fo the criminal legal system.
Musical response by Spirit of Grace will debut a new song by acclaimed singer and songwriter, Carlos Heredia, in honor of Motus Theater – JustUs monologues.
Motus Theater and the ACLU of Colorado will team up today for a live stream of their latest work, “Let Us Be Dissatisfied Until”. The event is free and begins at 3pm. Prior registration is required.
For more KGNU’s Rossana Longo-Better spoke with JustUs Monologist Juaquin Mobley and Motus Theater Executive Director Kirsten Wilson.
Colorado ACLU Leaders Read JustUs Monologues In Honor of MLK Rossana Longo-Better