Climate Change Lawsuit to be heard by Colorado Court of Appeals

“We have to continue to come back..continue to fight to protect the water, to protect our children and protect this earth for every generation to come.” — Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, Earth Guardians.

An appeals court will today hear the case brought by Earth Guardians against the Colorado Oil and Gas Commission that would require the COGCC to stop issuing permits that allow oil and gas drilling until it is proven that drilling can be conducted without adversely impacting human health and safety and without harming the environment and wildlife. The 6 plaintiffs are all members of the Boulder-based organization Earth Guardians.

A rally in support of the plaintiffs happened at the state capitol on Monday February 20th.

Xiuhtezcatl Martinez of Earth Guardians, one of the plaintiffs, thanked the crowd for their support of this landmark case.

“Thank you all for standing here in solidarity. This is what movement looks like, this is what democracy looks like, this is what change looks like and it begins here and it doesn’t end. So each and every one of us can come to this event and that is an amazing first step towards creating the change we want to see, but we have to continue to come back..continue to fight to protect the water, to protect our children and protect this earth for every generation to come.”


Following the rally, the hundreds of supporters made their way to the Court of Appeals which will hear the case on Tuesday February 21st.

The lawsuit is one of several that have been filed around the country on behalf of young litigants.  The suits allege that state and federal agencies are not doing their job in regulating oil and gas activities and monitoring their impact.


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    Climate Change Lawsuit to be heard by Colorado Court of Appeals KGNU News


Colorado Court of Appeals hearing in the Earth Guardians lawsuit is on Tuesday February 21st at 1.30pm at the Colorado Court of Appeals, 2 E 14th Ave, Denver, Colorado.



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