A Public Affair

405 Results / Page 41 of 45


A Public Affair

Prop 105: GMO Labelling

The state-wide ballot measure would require any "prepackaged, processed food or raw agricultural commodity that has been produced using genetic modification" to include the label: "Produced with genetic engineering." The law would be put into effect by January 1, 2016.  With host Claudia Cragg, we hear from Tammi Deville and Mike Callicrate with Right […]

todayOctober 1, 2014 8

A Public Affair

Boulder Ballot Issue 2C

Boulder ballot issue 2C would affirm the City of Boulder's right to provide telecommunication services.  We speak with Tim O'Shea, head of the Yes on 2C steering committee.  There is currently no formal opposition to 2C, unlike in Longmont, when a similar ballot measure 3 years ago broke campaign spending records […]

todaySeptember 25, 2014 1

