Boulder Residents Host Meeting To Discuss So-Called ‘High-Utilizers’

About 50 to 70 Boulder community members gathered at the Boulder Chamber of Commerce yesterday morning to discuss another group of about 50 to 70 Boulder residents. The individuals not in the room but at the center of the discussion were what the meeting organizer, Chris Drummond, described as a subset of Boulder’s unhoused population that are “high-utilizers.” Chief of Police Maris Herold later added that these high-utilizers were “wreaking havoc” on Boulder’s residents and city services.

Drummond, a health care consultant, attorney, and long-time Boulder resident, originally organized the “high-utilizers” discussion as closed to the public.

Meeting attendees raise their hands if they are Boulder Business Owners at community meeting to address Boulder “high-utilizers.” Credit: Alexis Kenyon, Jan. 24, 2023

After City Councilperson Nicole Speer asked about the legality of hosting a closed meeting to discuss policy with so many elected officials during last week’s city council meeting, Drummond opened the doors to the public.

KGNU’s Alexis Kenyon went to check it out. 


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    Boulder Residents Host Meeting To Discuss So-Called ‘High-Utilizers’ Alexis Kenyon

Picture of Alexis Kenyon

Alexis Kenyon

Alexis Kenyon is a radio reporter with more than 15 years of experience creating compelling, sound-rich radio stories for news outlets across the country.

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