Booktalk: Literary Powerhouse Joyce Carol Oates and “The Sacrifice”

Never one to shy away from controversial topics, Joyce Carol Oates’ novel, “The Sacrifice,” is based on the story of Tawana Brawley of upstate New York who made headlines in the late 1980s with allegations of kidnapping and rape that were later proven false.
When we spoke about this book in 2015, JCO was already the author of more than 100 books—novels, short story collections, a memoir, children’s books, poetry, plays, even a libretto for an opera.
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    Booktalk: Literary Powerhouse Joyce Carol Oates and “The Sacrifice” Veronica Straight-Lingo

Top authors are interviewed on this 10-minute program that captures their words about their books and ideas and often the story behind the story. The show, hosted by Diana Korte and engineered by Gene Korte, is in its 29th year of production.   

Picture of Veronica Straight-Lingo

Veronica Straight-Lingo


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