Booktalk: CBS Sunday Morning Correspondent Mo Rocca’s “Roctogenerians. Late in Life Debuts, Comebacks, and Triumphs”

Host Diana Korte speaks with Mo Rocca, co-author with Jonathan Greenberg, of ROCTOGENERIANS. They introduce us to the people past and present who peaked when they could have been puttering—breaking out as writers, selling out concert halls, and attempting to set land-speed records.

Enjoy dozens of profiles of late-in-life achievers from activists, artists, actors, old soldiers, comedians, and of course, Colonel Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken fame, all who declined to go into decline just because they were eligible for Social Security.

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    Booktalk: CBS Sunday Morning Correspondent Mo Rocca’s “Roctogenerians. Late in Life Debuts, Comebacks, and Triumphs” Veronica Straight-Lingo

Top authors are interviewed on this 10-minute program that captures their words about their books and ideas and often the story behind the story. The show, hosted by Diana Korte and engineered by Gene Korte, is in its 29th year of production.   

Picture of Veronica Straight-Lingo

Veronica Straight-Lingo


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