A CU Boulder professor attended the COP28 conference in Dubai. Hear what he took away from it

Panel at the COP28 Conference in Dubai. Photo Courtesy of May Boykoff.

In December, leaders from across the globe came together for the 28th annual United National Climate Change Conference – commonly known as COP28. The conference was held in Dubai, from November 30th to December 12. Max Boykoff is a professor in the Department of Environmental Studies at CU Boulder, as well as a fellow in the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences at the University of Colorado, Boulder. He attended COP28. KGNU and Report for America’s Jackie Sedley spoke with him about what he felt was and wasn’t achieved during the conference. Here’s their conversation.


This story initially aired on Wednesday, December 27.


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    A CU Boulder professor attended the COP28 conference in Dubai. Hear what he took away from it Jackie Sedley

Picture of Jackie Sedley

Jackie Sedley


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