Hemispheres: Voices of Hope – helping victims of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines

Hope often uses a pseudonym is a citizen journalist and activist leader in the Philippines. She risks her life daily and receives ongoing death threats fighting for women’s rights, environmental justice, and labor rights in her hometown of Estancia. In November 2013, Typhoon Haiyan caused a fuel barge to smash into the coastline, spilling more than 9,000 liters of fuel and destroying local livelihoods. Hope led her community in demanding economic and environmental accountability. She is the founder of Voices of Hope, a collective of local citizen journalists giving voice to the survivors of the deadly typhoon and government negligence.

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    Hemispheres: Voices of Hope – helping victims of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines kgnu


FiveThirtyEight.com listed the The Philippines as the second most deadliest place for journalists globally.

Image: FiveThiryEight/ESPN

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