Victorious Single Parent: Self Care During the Month of Love

Shiquita Yarbrough hosts the first Monday Metro of every month with her show Victorious Single Parent, looking at issues impacting single parents and their families. Shiquita is very familiar with this issue as she is a single mother of four children. She blogs at

This month Shiquita is joined by local therapist Carolyn Kesterson to talk about how single parents need to practice self-care and self-love.

Some people think that spending time to take good care of yourself is a selfish thing to do. If you are a single parent, however, self care is not selfish—it’s an absolute necessity. Your child’s future depends a lot on how you balance your own self care with caring for your child. It’s that balance of the “I” of the parent with the “you” of the child that makes single parenting challenging at times, but recognizing that need for balance also offers daily opportunities for developing family health and well-being.

Carolyn presents three important “I” words for exploring those opportunities.
Identify your needs: For being a good parent and for maximizing your potential as a person.
Invest in your self.
Imagine your possibilities.

Find out more about Carolyn Kesterson’s three “I” words for self-care here.

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