Town Hall Meetings with Representative Jared Polis

“Opposing is not enough. We also need to offer our alternatives and win over the support of the American people behind our ideas to move the country forward.” -Jared Polis, Democrat, U.S. Representative of the Second District of Colorado.

Congressman Jared Polis took part in two different town hall meetings on Saturday, March 12th. The meetings were held in Broomfield and Ft. Collins, but still had time for an interview with KGNU’s Maeve Conran in between the two.

“So many people are very concerned about what would happen if we repeal the Affordable Care Act…there’s people worried about our immigrant population…concerns for the president’s integrity…these are all things the American people deserve answers on.”

Polis spoke on a number of topics across the wide spectrum of policies being proposed by the Trump Administration. In the town hall meetings, Congressman Polis is hearing from constituents about many topics including health care, immigration, Russian tampering, environmental issues, energy policy, and more.

“We’re fighting the resistance in Washington. We need the help of your listeners and others to hold the feet of the president…to the fire and make sure they’re accountable.”

While Polis understands that the Democrats represent the opposition in Congress, he maintained the need to continue bringing ideas to try and move the country forward during this administration. The Congressman has been drawing large crowds to these town halls where concerned citizens can speak of the issues that concern them.

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    Town Hall Meetings with Representative Jared Polis KGNU News


Congressman Polis will be taking part in a Boulder Town Hall on Friday, April 7, 2017. The meeting will be held at the Glen Miller Ballroom on the University of Colorado campus from 5:30-7:00pm.


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